Project Bikes
The goal of this project is to collect new and gently used bikes to be distributed to students.
Project Coordinator: Erin Arva, 717-877-8893, earva@comcast.net
WANTED: 24" bikes (girls and boys). Contact Erin Arva earva@comcast.net if you have any to donate. Thanks!
We currently have a nice selection of all sizes of bikes that are ready to be given to MASD kids. Parents: If your child is in need of a bike, please contact his/her school counselor to make a request through Project Bikes. Then the kids will be ready to get outside and enjoy the sport of biking in the warmer weather!
Operation Wildcat’s Project Bikes restores and repairs used bikes for distribution to students in need. These bikes provide transportation and exercise for students who could not otherwise afford to purchase a bike. A healthy, active lifestyle is important for all students because it promotes academic achievement. The bikes are stored in a storage facility until needed.
In addition, we would like to recognize St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church's Trail Life USA Troop 101 for filling the important role of fixing donated bikes, as needed, to get them ready to be given to MASD children. The leaders and troop members are doing a super job ensuring our bikes are road ready and safe.
MASD Parents: If your child is in need of a bike, please contact his/her guidance counselor to make a request through Project Bikes. We currently have a good selection of nice bikes, and spring is the perfect time for kids to get outside and enjoy the sport of biking. Plus, then they will have a bike to enjoy over the summer!
Donation of Items
We can only accept bikes in reasonable working condition.
Do not donate bikes that are so old that a child won’t ride it.
Please contact the project chair (Erin Arva, 717-877-8893, earva@comcast.net ) to arrange for donation of any bikes. Do not leave bikes at her house, or any other committee member’s house without first contacting them
Any bikes that don't meet our criteria can be donated to Recycle Bicycle of Harrisburg. For more details go to http://marchforjesususa.com/recyclebike/index.htm