Project Gift Box
Making the holidays a little brighter for others!
Project Coordinators:
Raina Beckett sommer034@yahoo.com
Ann Marie Bolish ambolish2013@gmail.com
It is Operation Wildcat’s mission to pool the resources in our community to help students and families in need. Over the past years, OW has seen an increase in needs, and with limited resources, we have revised several of our programs to ensure our ability to assist as many as possible.
All students will receive ONE $25 gift card. Each family will be able choose from a selected stores what kind of gift card they want for thei child
Project Gift Box 2024 Thanks!
Thank you very, very much to all the volunteers and community members who supported Project Gift Box! With the wonderful generosity of the community, we were able to provide 162 families with gift cards that totaled 380 cards! Families also received school supplies, warm clothing items, coats, books, and toothbrushes. We truly appreciate all of our community donors and volunteers, especially when supporting families during the holidays. ~Raina and Ann Marie