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Project Yard Sale 'N More

All money raised at the yard sales helps support the many projects Operation Wildcat oversees in its mission to help students and families in need.  It is Operation Wildcat’s ONLY fundraiser.


Project Coordinator: 

Maureen Ross, 717-773-1988,



Margene Harper, Bill Richie, Kaleb Dissinger, Bud Beauverd, Scott Brechbiel, Kyle Haskins, Diane Koenig, Kristen Funk-Adleblute, Nadia Renoll, Kathy Wargo, Gail Perez, Jean Long, Susan Johnson, Gerry McCracken, Curt Sober and Meghan Hoff 

Consignment Sales

Kristin Funk-Adleblute, Nadia Renoll, Meghan Hoff




















Fall Yard Sale 2024 Thanks!


On a beautiful Fall week - full of sunshine and warm temperatures - Operation Wildcat held it latest yard sale at McBic, and what a sale it was! We always have a huge list of those to thank, but can’t go without a special shout-out to Kaleb Dissinger, Curt Sober, Travis Zeigler, Kevin Donovan, and Johnny Wilson for transporting all the skids to McBic. To Pastor Lebo, the McBic congregation, and the awesome youth group – thank you for opening your doors for us to ‘move in’ for a few days. To Leslie Collins and crew who set up and take down over 80 tables - thank you for making the rooms ready to go as the skids start rolling in! To Bruce Barclay – thank you for believing in our mission 9 years ago and giving us the great warehouse space to both service our families with furniture and household items, as well as to collect and store the yard sale donations. To Michael Garland – thank you for contacting the media on our behalf!

To the awesome yard sale committee – Kris Funk- Adleblute, Diane Koenig, Gail Perez, Margene Harper, Susan Johnson, Jean Long, Gerry McCracken , Nadia Renoll, Kathy Wargo, Nora Gulden, and Janice Deveney – you are the heart and soul of this project. Your dedication does not go unnoticed as the compliments kept coming in from customers about how well organized, neat, and clean the items were! To all who volunteered over the course of 4 days – some new and many returning – thank you! Too many to name –but each and every one of you contributed to the success of the sale!

Seventeen years ago we started with a yard sale that netted $300. Little did we know that seventeen years later the total from our 2-day yard sale would be $20,315 – bringing the total raised to date to over $333,000!

And to top it off our wonderful MASH Life Skills students raffle and bake sale raised $772.

See you in April 2025 – keep those donations coming in!

Maureen Ross


​Next Yard Sale Date:

April 25-26, 2025


Warehouse - Hours for Donations​

Address: 507 N York Street, Mechanicsburg 17055. Turn on to Pleasant View Drive. Make 1st left into parking lot- stay straight to dock door 1. Skids will be in the area of dock door #1. 

The OW warehouse is accepting donations of yard sale and household items on most Saturdays 1-3pm and Sundays 1-3pm.  Check calendar to ensure we are open before you come by.


At the present time (due to all the donations received and lack of space) we are NOT taking: 
Clothing (may be dropped off in MMS lobby during school hours)
Furniture (must be pre-arranged with pictures first.) 
Glassware – random cups/mugs - vases 
exercise equipment 
canister vacuums/ floor steamers/cleaners 
Skis/ski equipment 
Used Pillows (bed or decorative) 
Stuffed animals (may be dropped off in MMS lobby in box for stuffed animals)
old tv sets/old stereo equipment 
artificial Christmas trees (Contact Patti Herring for drop-off)
VHS Tapes 

Electrical items that need to be installed (No ceiling/wall lights, ceiling fans, etc. -unless NEW in box)
and items that have seen their day and need to be disposed of! 

If you have furniture items to donate please contact Maureen at 717-773-1988, to make arrangements for drop-off/pick-up.


Questions? Call or email Maureen Ross at 717-773-1988 or

Tax receipts are available for all donations!

Thank you for continuing to help us support MASD.



Contact Maureen Ross 717-773-1988 with any questions


​​​Yard Sale is looking for help in the following areas:


Yard Sale

Volunteers are needed to:

- Be at the warehouse to accept donations (times/days can be arranged according to volunteers schedule)

- Work at the warehouse sorting, organizing and pricing the items for the sale. Pricing is not a hard as everyone makes it out to be – it will all be explained. (Time/days can be arranged according to volunteers’ schedule)

- Help at the yard sale from Wednesday through Saturday (not the entire time!) to learn all that goes into setting up/tearing down the sale.


So what Operation Wildcat does with all the money raised?  Check out OW Year in Review.  Check out the OW website at to learn all about what OW does to support MASD families in need, how you can help, and how you can get assistance if needed.


P.S. We are always looking for volunteers – if you’re interested in helping with the yard sale or have questions about donating, please call or email Maureen at 717-773-1988,

Thank you. Maureen Ross




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