The purpose of Operation Wildcat is to pool the resources of the community
to help school district students, families and staff in need.
In the spring of 2006, the Mechanicsburg Area School District PTOs and Parent Advisory Committee members began Operation Wildcat to help local students and families in need. District administration has provided a storage site for Operation Wildcat at Mechanicsburg Middle School. With the support of the school board, district administration and staff, Operation Wildcat is working to help to pool the MASD community resources to help local families in need on an on-going basis.
If you would like to get involved in, have items to donate to or have questions about Operation Wildcat, please contact Leslie Collins, any of the project coordinators or email us at operationwildcatmasd@gmail.com.
If you need assistance please contact your child's school counselor
Executive Board Members:
President: Leslie Collins, 717-580-6092, mommagic@comcast.net
Vice President: Maureen Ross, 717-773-1988, mmross4@comcast.net
Treasurer: Angie Weir-Shreffler , 717-873-1002, aweir1984@yahoo.com
Recording Secretary: Anna May Nauss, 717-512-9628, amnauss@aol.com
Corresponding Secretary: Raina Beckett sommer034@yahoo.com
Member-At-Large: Kaleb Dissinger, 717-701-1621, t34foru@yahoo.com
Member-At-Large: Kathy Goss, 717-756-6915, dkagoss@gmail.com
School District Liaison: Paul Bigham, pbigham@mbgsd.org
Project Coordinators:​
Leslie Collins 717-580-6092 mommagic@comcast.net
Donna Gavin 717-497-4611 adgavin@msn.com
Erin Arva 717-877-8893 earva@comcast.net
Charity Castner 717-557-9312 charity.castner@gmail.com
Holly Anderson 717-253-7076 hrfrock@yahoo.com
Meghan Brown 717-448-4091 pmbrown2@msn.com
Melissa Herbein 717-655-3259 melissaherbein@gmail.com
Patti Herring 717-713-0617 familyzeke@verizon.net
Maureen Ross 717-773-1988 mmross4@comcast.net
Raina Beckett sommer034@yahoo.com
Ann Marie Bolish ambolish2013@gmail.com
Suzan Donovan fotogzsuz@yahoo.com
Taylor Eisenberger tayloredforyourbridal@yahoo.com
Amy Zilka zilkafam4@gmail.com
Jaclyn Gingrich jjmgingrich@yahoo.com
Jessica Green jstclair02@yahoo.com
Jaclyn Gingrich jjmgingrich@yahoo.com
Project Smile:
Heather Bower 717-736-6576 persun4@gmail.com
Rebecca Bishop-Gassert 717-319-9752 reg183@gmail.com
Heather Persun-Bower 717-736-6576 persun4@gmail.com
Patti Herring 717-713-0617 familyzeke@verizon.net
Angie Weir-Shreffler 717-873-1002 aweir1984@yahoo.com
Maureen Ross 717-773-1988 mmross4@comcast.net
Facebook Page Administrator:
Jason Saposnek jason@saposnek.com
TTSU Coordinator:
Sarah Wiser
Nate McWilliams
Committee Members:
Alexis McAllister, Ann Hoffman, Ashley Jones, Bill Richie, Bud Beauverd, Christina Stada, Debbie Smith, Diane Warner, Gail Perez, Jean Long, Jill Rabuck, Karen Hutter, Margene Harper, Mary Wargo, Michael Libuser, Kelly Mefford, Nadia Renoll, Nancy Scheffey, Stephanie Shirey, Stephanie Yerger, Susan Johnson, Suzan Donovan, Tammy Baldwin, Tina Rensel
If you would like to get involved in Operation Wildcat, please contact Leslie Collins, any of the project coordinators or email us at operationwildcatmasd@gmail.com.